View table: Weapon

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Research - String
  3. Type - String
  4. FireMode - String
  5. Damage - Float
  6. StunPower - String
  7. HipfireRange - Float
  8. ADSRange - Float
  9. Stability - String
  10. RateOfFire - Float
  11. Mobility - String
  12. ClipSize - Integer
  13. Lore - Text
  14. Description - Text

This table has 15 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Research Type FireMode Damage StunPower HipfireRange ADSRange Stability RateOfFire Mobility ClipSize Lore Description
All-seeing Eye (edit) All-seeing Eye Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 32.0 low 18.0 32.4 high 0.8 low 5 Workshop researchers do not understand the magic behind any of the weapons they make. Whispers suggest that even witches, traitors to their own and collaborators with the Church in its crusade to end the war, find the design logic of this firearm a mystery. Critical hits hurt all enemies inside the All-Seeing Eye.
Basilisk (edit) Basilisk Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 60.0 low 20.0 36.0 high 1.1 low 10 Before becoming a preyer, a sinner confessed to a priest that his love for desecrating flesh began with burning his hand using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight. Inspired, the priest eagerly shared this idea with the Overseer
Cricket (edit) Cricket Close Range Machine Pistol Auto 18.0 very low 7.0 7.7 low 10.0 very high 20 Some hunters lurk in the shadows, while others revel in the carnage of close combat. This weapon prefers the latter, forging a loop where speed bolsters firepower, and firepower bolsters speed. Dash after a kill reloads and boosts the gun.
Echo (edit) Echo Close Range Shotgun Semi Auto 90.0 very high 7.0 7.7 low 1.7 very high 6 The Vestals found this design unwieldy but allowed the Workshop to forge the weapon in their sacred fire. This dramatically increased its potency, enabling it to not just ignite enemies but also to send them reeling from the explosive power. Pellets explode and ignite targets. Uses Stamina.
Falling Star (edit) Falling Star Demonic Greanade Launcher Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6 A relic from the old days, when the Workshop used stronger but unstable ammunition. A double-edged sword, menacing to both the undead and the preyers alike. When fired while aiming down sights, grenades home in onto the tagged enemy. The longer the grenades travel, the higher their damage.
Hailstorm (edit) Hailstorm Long Range Sniper Rifle Semi Auto 100.0 average 15.0 67.5 very low 0.8 very low 5 Perfectly placed shots not only grant immediate gratification but also reinvigorate the weapon, improving it until it eventually manifests an intense elemental storm. A marksman's dream come true, at the cost of their own endurance. Reloads bullets for Critical Hits. Uses Stamina.
Hangfire (edit) Hangfire Medium Range Hand Cannon Semi Auto 45.0 average 15.0 195.0 low 0.9 very high 6 Favored by the most ruthless of hunters, this weapon allows them to wound their prey, leave it barely clinging to life, only to extinguish their flicker of hope seconds later with a devastating internal blast. Fires slugs that detonate on command with a reload.
Hunger (edit) Hunger Medium Range Hand Cannon Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6 A particularly treacherous demon has blessed the weapon. Its design appeals to the most level-headed of hunters, but once in hand, it curses its wielder with a relentless thirst for the hunt that can never be quenched, driving them into a spiral of bloodlust and slaughter. Rewards perfect aim with increasingly potent bullets.
Hypnosis (edit) Hypnosis Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 80.0 average 20.0 36.0 low 0.9 medium 10 When the Workshop witches suggested this design, the Overseer rejected it, fearing a trap. Eventually, the urgency for new weapons prevailed. The rifle quickly gained favor among preyers with a penchant for danger, as it turned each shot into a duel. Rewards a patient marksman with increased damage.
Midas (edit) Midas Medium Range Auto Rifle Auto 9.0 very low 17.0 25.5 average 11.1 medium 60 This rifle promises a frenzy of fire and power, but requires the wielder to be calm and collected. A gift as cruel as that of King Midas, whose touch turned everything into gold, including food and water. Heats bullets, boosting damage or igniting enemies.
Psychopomp (edit) Psychopomp Close Range Shotgun Auto 80.0 low 9.0 9.0 very low 4.3 very high 10 Word quickly spread among preyers about a weapon with self-restoring ammunition. Though excitement waned once the dangers became clear, the most daring and bloodthirsty hunters still cannot imagine a better companion for their journeys. Fast firing, regenerates more than ammo. Uses Stamina.
Ricochet (edit) Ricochet Medium Range Auto Rifle Auto 16.0 high 20.0 266.0 average 6.7 medium 30 A rifle that binds the fate of its targets together. Overlooked by preyers who shoot on sight but valued by tacticians who see its ability to eliminate the undead from the shadows, beyond the reach of danger. Bullets ricochet among marked enemies.
Rotweaver (edit) Rotweaver Short Range Machine Pistol Auto 6.0 very high 10.0 11.0 low 15.2 very high 60 The Workshop sought a weapon for timid preyes. The witches delivered a gun that lets shooters strike and retreat while foes wither. Yet, in typical fashion, the witches added a cruel twist: it works best with prolonged bursts and at perilously close range.
Vulture (edit) Vulture Demonic Crossbow Semi Auto 200.0 average 20.0 24.0 high 0.5 medium 5 When a small group of witches decided to betray their kind and cooperate with the Church for untold rewards, this was one of the first weapons that the workshop has created. Efforts were made to make it work in the hands of mortals, yet all attempts ended in vain. This has established preyers as the Workshop's primary patrons. Fires a difficult to satiate arrow that actively seeks the next target after wounding one.
Whisper (edit) Whisper Demonic Pistol Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6 Parvus sed potens, small but mighty. Born from a wager between a witch and a demon to create a weapon of immense power without causing harm. The demon crafted the Stun Gun, only to be slain by the witch who then claimed the invention as her own.