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In Witchfire you got four different kind of weapons. Every Weapon you unlock comes in it's base version and has three upgrades, called Mysteriums. We simply refer to them as M1, M2, M3.

How to upgrade a Weapon

  • The M1 Upgrade requires you to kill a certain amount of enemies.
  • The M2 Upgrade requires more enemies to be killed, as well as a certain amount of M1 triggered actions.
  • The M3 Upgrade requires even more kills and triggered M2 actions.


Image Name Research Type Fire Mode Damage Stun Power HipfireRange ADS Range Stability Rate of Fire Mobility Clip Size
All-seeing eye.png All-seeing Eye Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 32.0 low 18.0 32.4 high 0.8 low 5
Basilisk.png Basilisk Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 60.0 low 20.0 36.0 high 1.1 low 10
Cricket.png Cricket Close Range Machine Pistol Auto 18.0 very low 7.0 7.7 low 10.0 very high 20
Echo.png Echo Close Range Shotgun Semi Auto 90.0 very high 7.0 7.7 low 1.7 very high 6
File:Falling star.png Falling Star Demonic Greanade Launcher Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6
Hailstorm.png Hailstorm Long Range Sniper Rifle Semi Auto 100.0 average 15.0 67.5 very low 0.8 very low 5
Hangfire.png Hangfire Medium Range Hand Cannon Semi Auto 45.0 average 15.0 195.0 low 0.9 very high 6
Hunger.png Hunger Medium Range Hand Cannon Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6
File:Hypnosis.png Hypnosis Long Range Bolt Action Rifle Semi Auto 80.0 average 20.0 36.0 low 0.9 medium 10
Midas.png Midas Medium Range Auto Rifle Auto 9.0 very low 17.0 25.5 average 11.1 medium 60
Psychopomp.png Psychopomp Close Range Shotgun Auto 80.0 low 9.0 9.0 very low 4.3 very high 10
Ricochet.png Ricochet Medium Range Auto Rifle Auto 16.0 high 20.0 266.0 average 6.7 medium 30
Rotweaver.png Rotweaver Short Range Machine Pistol Auto 6.0 very high 10.0 11.0 low 15.2 very high 60
File:Vulture.png Vulture Demonic Crossbow Semi Auto 200.0 average 20.0 24.0 high 0.5 medium 5
File:Whisper.png Whisper Demonic Pistol Semi Auto 38.0 very high 15.0 21.0 low 2.8 very high 6