All-seeing Eye

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All-seeing Eye
All-seeing eye.png
Damage 32
Stun Power low
Hipfire Range 18
ADS Range 32.4
Stability high
Rate of Fire 0.8
Mobility low
Clip Size 5


Critical hits hurt all enemies inside the All-Seeing Eye.


Workshop researchers do not understand the magic behind any of the weapons they make. Whispers suggest that even witches, traitors to their own and collaborators with the Church in its crusade to end the war, find the design logic of this firearm a mystery.


Mysterium Description Requirement1 Requirement2
1 Increased damage against enemies with more than 75% HP. Enemies killed: 25 -
2 Critical Hits trigger radial shockwave, damaging all enemies inside the shockwave's circle. Enemies killed: 100 1st Mysterium actions: 75
3 If Critical Hits deal increased damage, the shockwave also applies Decay. Enemies killed: 190 2nd Mysterium actions: 100