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In Witchfire, there are two different kinds of spells: Light Spells and Heavy Spells.

How to upgrade a Spell


When we have gathered all Charismata, we need to join the two tables here.
I suggest we do so with only the M3 Power -> M1 and M2 Powers will be displayed on the Spell-Page itself!

Light Spells

Image Name Power
File:Blight cyst.png Blight Cyst A cyst that attaches to the environment or enemies. Explodes after a while but can be shot for a more powerful explosion.
File:Fireballs.png Fireballs Three Fireballs homing in onto multiple enemies.
File:Frost cone.png Frost Cone An icy cloud that freezes any enemies on its path.
File:Ice stiletto.png Ice Stiletto An icy stiletto that freezes the targeted enemy.
File:Lightning bolt.png Lightning Bolt A lightning bolt that knocks back and shocks enemies.
File:Shockwave.png Shockwave A shockwave that stuns nearby Minor enemies and exhausted Major ones.
File:Stigma diabolicum.png Stigma Diabolicum A cyst that attaches to enemies, becoming their additional weak spot.

Heavy Spells

Image Name Power
File:Burning stake.png Burning Stake Spawns a burning stake that ignite enemies. Damaging them charges the stake. Full charged, the stake releases a fiery explosion
File:Cornucopia.png Cornucopia The last bullet regenerates right after firing. Manual reload can still be executed. Does not work with Demonic Weapons.
File:Cursed bell.png Cursed Bell Spawns a cursed bell. Firing at the bell tolls it, stunning all nearby Minor enemies.
File:Ice sphere.png Ice Sphere Spawns an icy sphere that protects the caster from damage and freezes any enemy that gets inside it.
File:Iron cross.png Iron Cross Spawns an iron cross with lightning bolts that bind all nearby enemies to it.
File:Rotten fiend.png Rotten Fiend Resurrects a Grenadier who now attacks his former allies with incredible ferocity.