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The Revenant is the carcass of a fallen warrior, reanimated to serve in the Witch's Army. They are frail, slow moving and only have a simple melee attack. Their main strength comes in the high numbers in which they appear, capable of overwhelming a distracted Preyer.

When they attack, they gain a slight burst of speed to close the distance. They deal relatively low damage but each hit allows other enemies to hit the Preyer making them deadly if caught out of stamina.


  • Unlike most enemies, Revenants do not spawn at the start of a run and are instead summoned by the Shieldbearer or a Calamity.
  • Revenants cannot spawn with the Elite or Ascended status.
  • A single Revenant appears in the cave of the Preyer's Hermitorium and serves as a training dummy. It does not move or attack and will respawn endlessly after being killed.


  • Astral Revenant - Appears on the 3rd floor of the Wailing Tower. This variant is considerably more durable than it's basic counterpart but they spawn in far fewer numbers. In addition, they gain the ability to throw an explosive projectile when they are too far to attack. Appearing in the Astral Rift, they serve as one of the two enemies in this zone, the other being the Astral Arquebusier. They are also summoned by the Wailing Tower's boss, the Prophet of the Whispering God.


  • Due to their slow movement speed, they can be easily avoided by simply walking away. If they ever come close enough to attack, a single dash is enough to get away from them.
  • As one of the weakest enemy fielded by the Witch, crowd-control weapons such as Hypnosis or Ricochet can dispatch very large groups of them very quickly.
  • Revenants are very vulnerable to zoning spells such as Ice Sphere or Iron Cross. On the contrary, spells such as Fireballs or Stigma Diabolicum are not very effective due to the sheer number of them.
  • Arcana that trigger on enemies death such as Snowball, Rekindled or Fire Orb work exceedingly well as Revenants will usually die quickly and guarantee the Arcana's activation upon their demise.
  • Astral Revenants work similarly to their weaker counterpart with the only change of note being their ranged attack. While the projectile is fast, a dash on either side is enough to avoid the damage.