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Firearm Arcana

Name Description Charismata
Anti-Element Bullets do more damage to enemies affected by an elemental magic. Weapon damage: +15 %
Blindfire Increased non-critical weapon damage. Non-critical weapon damage: +15 %
Cascade All weapon damage is critical for a short moment after casting any spell. Duration: 6 s
Chaos Reload After spending at least half a magazine, reload can apply a random element to the new magazine. Chance: 15 %
Critical Chain Two critical hits in a row conjure an extra bullet in the magazine. -
Deadeye Increased critical weapon damage. Critical weapon damage: +20 %
Elemental Fire Rate Killing an enemy affected by an elemental magic temporarily boosts RPM of all weapons. Duration: 7 s<br>RPM: +50 %
Elemental Firepower Killing an enemy affected by an elemental magic temporarily boosts weapon damage. Duration: 3 s<br>Weapon damage: +25 %
Empty of Magic Increased weapon damage when all spells are drained. Weapon damage: +25 %
Fast Reload Faster weapon reload. Reload: -50 %
Fast Strafe Increased strafe speed when aiming down sight. Strafe speed when aiming down sight: +100 %
Final Bullet Damage boost on the final bullet in the magazine. Final bullet damage: +100 %
Fire Rate Boost Increased rate of fire of non-automatic weapons. RPM: +30 %
Firearm Mastery Increased weapon stability, handling and aiming down sight speed. Stability: +70 %<br>Handling: +70 %<br>ADS: -70 %
Firepower Boost Increased weapon damage. Weapon damage: +10 %
Full Health Firepower Increased weapon damage at full health. Weapon damage: +10 %
Full of Magic Increased weapon damage for each spell charged to its fullest. Weapon damage per charged spell: +12 %
Immunity Reload Immunity to enemy attacks after reloading an empty magazine. -
Immunity Swap Switching weapons grants immunity to enemy attacks for a short time. Immunity: 1.6 s<br>Effect cooldown: 6 s
Kill Reload Weapon kills partially reload the magazine. -
Pendulum Weapon damage is inversely related to health. Weapon damage per 10 % of max health missing: +5 %
Phantom Bullets Missed bullets have a chance to rematerialize back in the magazine. Chance: 60 %
Piercing Bullets Bullets cannot be blocked by material shields. -
Range Boost Increased weapon range. Range: +25 %
Range Sacrifice Increased weapon damage at the cost of reduced range. Weapon range: -25 %<br>Weapon damage: +30 %
Reload Dash Dashing partially reloads equipped weapon and temporarily increases damage. Duration: 1 s<br>Weapon damage: +30 %
Reload Slide Sliding partially reloads equipped weapon and increases damage and range during the slide. Weapon range: +30 %<br>Weapon damage: +30 %
Reload Swap Switching to a weapon instantly reloads it. Effect cooldown: 2 s
Revenge Temporarily increased weapon damage after any damage is taken. Duration: 7 s<br>Weapon damage: +75 %
Safe Reload Temporary damage resistance after reloading a weapon. Damage resistance: +60 %<br>Duration: 3 s
Stun Bullets Bullets knock back and stun enemies much faster. Stun power: +50 %

Spell Arcana

Name Description Charismata
Accelerant Burning enemies receive even more damage. Damage to burning enemies: +30 %
Atrophy Attacks of decaying enemies are weaker. Enemy damage: -80 %
Circle of Life Enemy deaths caused by a decay's damage tick partially recharge decay spells. Spell recharge boost: +15 %
Conductor Lightning bolts transfer all elemental status effects of the source. -
Critical Burn Any weapon damage on burning enemies counts as critical hits. -
Cryovolcano Shattered frozen enemies explode for half the damage received while frozen. Explosion range: 14 m
Decay Echo Total decay damage is the same but ticks are stronger in the beginning and weaker near the end. -
Elemental Refresh Affecting enemies with an elemental magic refreshes all currently inflicted elemental status effects. -
Extra Bolt Additional lightning bolt per discharge. -
Extra Light Spell Light spell has one extra charge. -
Fast Heavy Spell Heavy Spell recharges faster when Light Spell is charged. Recharge speed: +20 %
Fertilizer Decaying enemies drop a pool of corrupted witchfire upon death. The pool empowers weapons and slowly heals new wounds. Duration: 16 s<br>Weapon damage: +30 %
Fire Orb Enemies killed when burning collapse into fire orbs that explode when another enemy gets near. Trigger range: 12 m<br>Explosion damage: 70 HP
Flashover Critical hits make burning enemies explode and ignite others. Explosion range: 15 m<br>Explosion damage: 70 Damage
Heavy Spell Recharge Faster Heavy Spell recharge. Recharge speed: +30 %
Ice Statue Minor enemies freeze indefinitely until damaged with bullets. -
Ignition Casting a Fire spell grants temporary boost to Stamina and weapons. Duration: 5 s<br>Stamina: +100 %<br>Reload: -50 %<br>Weapon switch: -50 %
Infectious Cloud Decaying enemies who die to a critical hit explode with an infectious decay cloud. Explosion range: 15 m
Lasting Element Elemental status effects on enemies last longer. Elemental status effect duration: +40 %
Light Spell Recharge Faster Light Spell recharge. Recharge speed: +30 %
Longer Bolts Increased range of lightning bolts. Bolt range: +45 %
More Bolt Jumps Increased number of bolt jumps. Bolt jumps: +3
Necrosis Increased decay damage. Tick damage: +30 %
Pagophobia Increased weapon damage against frozen enemies. Weapon damage to frozen enemies: +30 %
Perun Critical hits produce more lightning bolts. Bolts: +3
Pyrolysis Additional damage against burning enemies but they fully heal if they survive the burn. Damage to burning enemies: +40 %
Refreeze After the initial freeze, major enemies have a chance to freeze again. Chance: 40 %
Rekindled Killing burning enemies partially recharges Fire spells. Spell recharge boost: +15 %
Rime Shield Casting an Ice spell temporarily affects the caster with slower movement but a more resilient body. Duration: 7 s<br>Movement speed: -10 %<br>Damage resistance: 70 %
Shattered Soul Unfreezed enemies are damaged for a part of their maximum health. Max health damage: 30 %
Shock Wave Critical hits on shocked enemies produce a storm shockwave that knocks back and shocks all nearby enemies. Shockwave range: 15 m
Snowball Frozen enemies release an ice cloud when killed. The cloud seeks and freezes the nearest enemy. Cloud's trigger range: 14 m<br>Cloud's wait time: 5 s
Spell Exhaustion Weapons instantly knock back burning minor enemies. -
Stormbringer Casting a Lightning spell grants temporary aura that discharges lightning bolts at nearby enemies. Duration: 5 s<br>Bolt damage: 50 HP<br>Tick rate: +1 s
Thunderbolt Increased lightning bolt damage. Bolt damage: +25 %

Varius Arcana

Name Description Charismata
Blood Transfer Chance for a killed enemy to drop a Healing Elixir. Drop chance: 3 %
Bonus Elixir An extra elixir slot. Max elixirs carried: +3
Flinchless Flinch and movement penalty from damage strongly reduced but it costs Stamina. -
Health Boost Increased Max Health. Maximum health: +20 %
Live Wire Strongly reduced wait before Stamina begins regenerating. -
More Stamina More Stamina. Stamina: + 20 %
Rejuvenation Faster Stamina regeneration. Regeneration speed: +20 %
Safe Deposit Death will not consume any witchfire. -
Weakened Enemies Enemies have less health. Enemy health: -10 %
Witchfire Orbs Instead of regular witchfire, dead enemies drop a quickly dissolving, high potency witchfire orb. -