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  3. Lore - Text
  4. Power - Text

This table has 13 rows altogether.

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Page Name Type Lore Power
Blight Cyst (edit) Blight Cyst Light Spell Promises of earth element fostering strength and growth were made by the Workshop witches, but they defaulted to their old ways. Now, such spells focus on decay, petrification, and death, making them less appealing for some scholars due to the foul stench or lingering superstitions. A cyst that attaches to the environment or enemies. Explodes after a while but can be shot for a more powerful explosion.
Burning Stake (edit) Burning Stake Heavy Spell Bound to the stake, the witch laughed through her bruises and blood, A few unnerved by her demeanor, fled the square, sensing an ominous air, When the torch kissed the straw, it wasn't just flames that rose, but a monstrous inferno, consuming those who remained in a blaze that mirrored the witch's final, triumphant cackle. Spawns a burning stake that ignite enemies. Damaging them charges the stake. Full charged, the stake releases a fiery explosion
Cornucopia (edit) Cornucopia Heavy Spell For years, the Workshop saw no need for weapon-specific spells. The weapons were already imbued with powerful magic, and that was deemed sufficient. However, the scarcity of proto-ammo has pushed it to explore new solutions. After all, mater artium necessitas - necessity is the mother of invention. The last bullet regenerates right after firing. Manual reload can still be executed. Does not work with Demonic Weapons.
Cursed Bell (edit) Cursed Bell Heavy Spell Before some witches knew their own strength, one found herself captive in a church's dungeon. She harbored a dream that with the day's final toll of the bell above, the door would unlatch, granting her freedom. And so, it came to pass. The door swung open, and she walked out past the petrified guards, frozen in place, never to move again. Spawns a cursed bell. Firing at the bell tolls it, stunning all nearby Minor enemies.
Fireballs (edit) Fireballs Light Spell Ideal for initiating or ending a duel, this spell heats witchfire inside the targets, increasing their vulnerability, and allows for an easy finishing blow that conserves ammunition. Regrettably, the Vestals refuse to refine the formula with their sacred fire, put off by the spell's lack of finesse. Three Fireballs homing in onto multiple enemies.
Frost Cone (edit) Frost Cone Light Spell For a time, the Workshop hailed this spell as a revolutionary discovery that would change the course of the war. Sadly, it turned out that not only did the ice prove less effective against mightier foes, but they also developed an immunity to it with time. This made the Workshop turn towards other elements, leaving the domain of water underexplored to this day. An icy cloud that freezes any enemies on its path.
Ice Sphere (edit) Ice Sphere Heavy Spell A witch's trap, a chest brimming with gold, was meant to encase intruders in ice through a cunning spell. However, the hag failed to account for animals, and a well-trained dog pulled the spell free. The dog's master passed the spell to a priest, who sent it to the Workshop. Spawns an icy sphere that protects the caster from damage and freezes any enemy that gets inside it.
Ice Stiletto (edit) Ice Stiletto Light Spell Few preyers appreciated this spell, criticizing its high effort for minimal effect. Yet, the scholars of the Workshop insisted that removing an enemy from battle was almost as good as defeating them. These few hunters who believed this have started to see this tactical approach pay off greatly. An icy stiletto that freezes the targeted enemy.
Iron Cross (edit) Iron Cross Heavy Spell The cross bears the weight of sinners and saints alike. It stands as a stark reminder of the harsh, relentless God we serve, embodying our Church's symbol of humility and unwavering faith. Not even the witch, who twisted the cross into a tool of death against the devout of Erfurt, could tarnish its sacred essence of redemption. Spawns an iron cross with lightning bolts that bind all nearby enemies to it.
Lightning Bolt (edit) Lightning Bolt Light Spell An instant hit, nomen omen, among the less humble of preyers enticed by the power to mimic the thunder god. Yet, they are swiftly cautioned that for the Church, the end always justifies the means, and such juvenile fascination should never dictate the choice of their armaments for the fray. A lightning bolt that knocks back and shocks enemies.
Rotten Fiend (edit) Rotten Fiend Heavy Spell The undead serve as the witch's marionettes - ghouls stripped of their humanity, animated by unseen forces, their souls trapped in limbo between the living realm and the witch's dominion of death. However, their will's absence leaves them open to new masters. Realizing this, the Workshop ushered in an era of necromancy, and many new spells were born. Resurrects a Grenadier who now attacks his former allies with incredible ferocity.
Shockwave (edit) Shockwave Light Spell Before fully realizing Shock's power, Workshop scholars focused on wind for their air elemental spells. Shockwave, named somewhat confusingly, is one example of that work. Though this spell might lack in sheer devastation, it serves as an exquisite choice in rare moments of panic. A shockwave that stuns nearby Minor enemies and exhausted Major ones.
Stigma Diabolicum (edit) Stigma Diabolicum Light Spell The Workshop is haunted by the irony that their strongest spells align with what the Church vehemently opposes, Researchers and preyers are thus faced with the harsh reality that the end sometimes justifies the means, This principle holds true with the ugly, discusting, but highly effective hex, A cyst that attaches to enemies, becoming their additional weak spot.