Cursed Bell

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Cursed Bell


Spawns a cursed bell. Firing at the bell tolls it, stunning all nearby Minor enemies.

It can be obtained via Research


Before some witches knew their own strength, one found herself captive in a church's dungeon. She harbored a dream that with the day's final toll of the bell above, the door would unlatch, granting her freedom. And so, it came to pass. The door swung open, and she walked out past the petrified guards, frozen in place, never to move again.


Mysterium Charismata1 Charismata2 Charismata3 Charismata4 Requirement1 Requirement3
1 Shockwave range: 30 m Duration: 20 s - -
2 Shockwave range: 35 m Duration: 25 s Recharge speed reduction: 1 s Enemies hexed: 50 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
3 Shockwave range: 40 m Duration: 30 s Recharge speed reduction: 2 s The final toll also stuns Major enemies. Enemies hexed: 100 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1