
From Witchfire Wiki
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Welcome guys, thank you for working on this wiki with me

Just in case - here's the link to the onboarding discord:

General Information / TO-DO

I think we will need to follow a few steps:


How should the Wiki look like? WHO is capable of .css? Please see below!


As discussed on Reddit and Discord, we'll try to make the Wiki look like the ingame UI. DEVs will set up a template for us an we can work from there.


We want to save almost all information in Cargo.
Cargo is something like a build in database - a little tricky to use, but once set up very helpful.

All Data will be collected on google:

Once the data is complete, we can import the Data via python.
In order to import the data via python, we need to create the templates for the data structure manually.


This is collected in the github repo. Feel free to download it.

Sidenote: Please don't edit the master branch directly. I recommend using VS Code: It's better to create your own branch:

and then you make your changes.
After that, switch back to the Master Branche, download the newest changes and merge it with the master branch:

once merged, delete your branch since it no longer needed:

Example on how to use Cargo:
and here:

I created an example on how to show detailed data for items/weapons. See

Helpful Links

  • Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

General use

Links to Pages on Wiki

If you want to Link pages, it's pretty simple: Use [[PAGENAME]] to simply link a page. See example below.


Whenever we want to display the same information on different pages, we should create a template.
A Template can be used with brackets and the template name, example: {{foo}}.

  • This is the output from {{foo}}:


  • This is the output from {{Tabber}}:

This Tabber is used on the Main Page currently to demonstrate Tabbers.

This Template should be deleted in the future!

Content is entered here.

Getting started