View table: Prophecy

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Type - Text
  3. Omen - Text
  4. Omen_Effect - Text

This table has 18 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Type Omen Omen Effect
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Air Element Grants Arcana tied to the Air element. (Lightning) Omen of Indifferent Cosmos Grants an equal chance to reveal either one or all three Arcana.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Dead Eyes Grants Arcana tied to Critical Hits. Omen of the Raven Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum with at least five White Raven Feathers in the Inventory.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Destruction Grants Arcana tied to firearm damage. Omen of Moonflower Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum if it is in the fourth or later row of Arcana. The remaining Arcana slots become disabled.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Earth Element Grants Arcana tied to the Earth element. (Decay) Omen of the Raven Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum with at least five White Raven Feathers in the Inventory.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Fire Element Grants Arcana tied to the Fire element. (Fire) Profound Omen of the Raven Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum with at least ten White Raven Feathers in the Inventory.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Gunpowder Grants Arcana tied to Ammo. Profound Omen of the Raven Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum with at least ten White Raven Feathers in the Inventory.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Health Grants Arcana tied to Health. Omen of Synergy Increases the power of each arcanum when all three slots are awakened.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Heaviness Grants non-elemental Arcana tied to the Heavy Spell. Omen of Opulence Unveils three Arcana instead of two.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Lightness Grants non-elemental Arcana tied to the Light Spell. Omen of Indifferent Cosmos Grants an equal chance to reveal either one or all three Arcana.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Nimble Fingers Grants Arcana tied to reloading and handling of firearms. Omen of Sacrifice Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum but forgets two random awakened Arcanan. Fails if no Arcana are available to be forgotten.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Prophecy of Firearms Grants Arcana tied to Weapons. Profound Omen of the Moonflower Significantly increases the power of the awakened Arcanum if it is in the sixth or seventh row of Arcana. The remaining Arcana slots become disabled.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Spells Grants Arcana tied to Spells. Omen of Synergy Increases the power of each arcanum when all three slots are awakened.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Stamina Grants Arcana tied to Stamina Omen of Destined Opulence Makes the next row unveil all three Arcana, overriding its Prophecy if necessary and possible.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) the Bull Grants Arcana that enhance an aggressive combat style. Omen of indifferent Cosmos Grants an equal chance to reveal either one or all three Arcana.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) the Serpent Grants Arcana that enhance a cautious, tactical combat style. Omen of Opulence Unveils three Arcana instead of two.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Variety Grants Arcana unrelated to weapons and spells. Omen of Rot The awakened Arcana get a powerful boost that decreases with four absorbed Witchfire Manifestations and disappears with six.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Water Element Grants Arcana tied to the Water element. (Cold) Omen of Rebirth Allows any Arcana in this row to be re-rolled with White Raven Feathers.
Prophecy Infobox (edit) Witchfire Grants Arcana tied to Witchfire. Omen of Destined Opulence Makes the next row unveil all three Arcana, overriding its Prophecy if necessary and possible.