View table: Mysteria

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Table structure:

  1. RowNo - Integer
  2. Name - String
  3. Mysterium - Integer
  4. Requirement1 - Text
  5. Requirement2 - Text
  6. Requirement3 - Text
  7. Description - Text
  8. Charismata1 - Text
  9. Charismata2 - Text
  10. Charismata3 - Text
  11. Charismata4 - Text
  12. Charismata5 - Text

This table has 114 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page RowNo Name Mysterium Requirement1 Requirement2 Requirement3 Description Charismata1 Charismata2 Charismata3 Charismata4 Charismata5
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 1 Eye of the Madwoman 1 - - - Lightning Damage: 50 Damage Health threshold: 10%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 2 Eye of the Madwoman 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Lightning Damage: 60 Damage Health threshold: 10% Major enemy threshold: 20%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 3 Eye of the Madwoman 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Lightning Damage: 70 Damage Health threshold: 10% Major enemy threshold: 30% Bonus effect: Stun
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 4 Book of Serpents 1 - - - Minor enemies can die instantly: 8%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 5 Book of Serpents 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Minor enemies can die instantly: 10% Major enemies can die instantly: 6%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 6 Book of Serpents 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Minor enemies can die instantly: 12% Major enemies can die instantly: 6% The curse stuns minor enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 7 Blood of a Banshee 1 - - - Explosion range: 6m Overkill value: 60 HP
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 8 Blood of a Banshee 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Explosion range: 8m Overkill value: 55 HP Explosion damage: 20 Damage
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 9 Blood of a Banshee 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Explosion range: 10m Overkill value: 50 HP Explosion damage: 30 Damage The explosion knocks back Minor enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 10 Painted Tooth 1 - - - Bonus ignition damage: 5 Dmg
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 11 Painted Tooth 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Bonus ignition damage: 20 Dmg Bonus ignition damage to major enemies: 50 Dmg
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 12 Painted Tooth 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Bonus ignition damage: 30 Dmg Bonus ignition damage to major enemies: +70 dmg Chance to stun: 10 %
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 13 Braid of a Seductress 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 14 Braid of a Seductress 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 15 Braid of a Seductress 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Melee damage reduction: -30% Killing the frozen attacker restores lost health: 50 % The aura also works against Major enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 16 Bittersweet Nightshade 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 17 Bittersweet Nightshade 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 18 Bittersweet Nightshade 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Health threshold: 40 % Shockwave range: 60 m Shockwave damage: 30 dmg Bonus effect: stun
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 19 Henbane 1 - - - Healing: +75%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 20 Henbane 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Healing: +100% Damage reduction after consuming an elixir: +60% Damage reduction duration: 6s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 21 Henbane 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Healing: +125% Damage reduction after consuming an elixir: +70% Damage reduction duration: 8s Healing duration: -50%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 22 Monkshood 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 23 Monkshood 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 24 Monkshood 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Maximum shield layers: 5 Extra shield chance: 66.59 % Chance for a shield to hold: 10 %
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 25 Balewort 1 - - - Drop chance: 30% Essence time to live: 4s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 26 Balewort 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Drop chance: 35% Essence time to live: 5s Pickup range: +2m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 27 Balewort 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Drop chance: 40% Essence time to live: 6s Pickup range: +3m Spell recharge per essence: 20%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 28 Mandrake 1 - - - Health on resurrection: 50% Immunity: 5s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 29 Mandrake 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Health on resurrection: 75% Immunity: 6s While Immune, Light Spell recharges instantly.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 30 Mandrake 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Health on resurrection: 100% Immunity: 7s While Immune, Light Spell recharges instantly. Weapon damage while immune: +100%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 31 Ring of Excreta 1 - - - Explosion Range: 5m Bomb damage: 30 dmg
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 32 Ring of Excreta 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Explosion Range: 6m Bomb damage: 40 dmg Dash Distance: 2m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 33 Ring of Excreta 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Explosion Range: 7m Bomb damage: 50 dmg Dash Distance: 3m The bomb applies a Decay curse.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 34 Crown of Fire 1 - - - Duration: 1s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 35 Crown of Fire 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Duration: 1.1s Igniting an enemy partially reloads the magazine.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 36 Crown of Fire 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Duration 1.2s Igniting an enemy partially reloads the magazine. Double dash triples the duration.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 37 Ring of Obedience 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 38 Ring of Obedience 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 39 Ring of Obedience 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Push damage: 30 dmg Activation distance: 30 m Chance to drop extra items on push kills: 20 % Three consecutive pushes stun non-Elite enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 40 Ring of Wings 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 41 Ring of Wings 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 42 Ring of Wings 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Airborne jump Stamina cost: -30 % Dashing after double-jumping costs less Stamina. Improved mid-air directional control. No fall damage.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 43 Shadowmist Ring 1 - - - Activation distance: 9m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 44 Shadowmist Ring 2 Kills with item equipped: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Activation distance: 10m Enemy health taken: 25 dmg
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 45 Shadowmist Ring 3 Kills with item equipped: 250 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Activation distance: 11m Enemy health taken: 35 dmg Chance to freeze: 50%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 46 Lightning Bolt 1 - - - Enemies affected: 3 Range 14 m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 47 Lightning Bolt 2 Enemies hexed: 150 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Enemies affected: 4 Range 16 m Damage: 20
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 48 Lightning Bolt 3 Enemies hexed: - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Enemies affected: 5 Range 18 m Damage: 40 The initial bolt stuns any full health Minor enemy.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 49 Blight Cyst 1 - - - Auto-explosion range: 8m Forced explosion range: 12m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 50 Blight Cyst 2 Enemies hexed: 70 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Auto-explosion range: 10m Forced explosion range: 14m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 51 Blight Cyst 3 Enemies hexed: - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Auto-explosion range: 12m Forced explosion range: 16m The Cyst grows even bigger, allowing for easier targeting Chance to regrow if attaching to an enemy: 50 %
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 52 Stigma Diabolicum 1 - - - Damage Modifier: ×1.25 Duration: 20 s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 53 Stigma Diabolicum 2 Enemies hexed: 25 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage Modifier: ×1.29 Duration: 25 s Applies Decay on contact.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 54 Stigma Diabolicum 3 Enemies hexed: 50 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage Modifier: ×1.35 Duration: 30 s Applies Decay on contact. Killing an enemy with decay or a shot with the cyst fully regenerates the spell.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 55 Fireballs 1 - - - Direct hit damage: 35 Explosion range: 4 m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 56 Fireballs 2 Enemies hexed: 70 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Direct hit damage: 45 Explosion range: 5 m Extra charge
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 57 Fireballs 3 Enemies hexed: 150 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Direct hit damage: 50 Explosion range: 6 m Extra charge Casting when in ADS focuses fireballs on a single target.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 58 Shockwave 1 - - - Range 10m
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 59 Shockwave 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Range 12m Damage: 20
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 60 Shockwave 3 Enemies hexed: 100 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Range 14m Damage: 40 Instant recharge per enemy affected: +10%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 61 Frost Cone 1 - - - Damage: 20
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 62 Frost Cone 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage: 30 Affecting three enemies or more instantly refills the clip from reserves.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 63 Frost Cone 3 Enemies hexed: 100 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage: 40 Affecting three enemies or more instantly refills the clip from reserves. Affecting five enemies or more instantly recharges the spell.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 64 Ice Stiletto 1 - - - Damage: 20
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 65 Ice Stiletto 2 Enemies hexed: 25 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage: 30 Critical hit with the stiletto doubles the damage and freeze time.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 66 Ice Stiletto 3 Enemies hexed: - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Damage: 40 Critical hit with the stiletto doubles the damage and freeze time. Instant spell recharge rate if the stiletto did not hit any enemy.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 67 Iron Cross 1 - - - Range: 25m Duration: +10s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 68 Iron Cross 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Range: 30m Duration: +15s Shock Duration: +50%
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 69 Iron Cross 3 Enemies hexed: 100 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Range: 35m Duration: +20s Shock Duration: +100% When finished, the cross shocks all enemies in a double-range zone.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 70 Rotten Fiend 1 - - - Grenadier HP: 200
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 71 Rotten Fiend 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Grenadier HP: 300 Decay Aura around the Fiend. Affects all nearby enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 72 Rotten Fiend 3 Enemies hexed: - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Grenadier HP: 400 Decay Aura around the Fiend. Affects all nearby enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies when spawned.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 73 Burning Stake 1 - - -
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 74 Burning Stake 2 Enemies hexed: - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 75 Burning Stake 3 Enemies hexed: - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Duration: 40 s Range: 35 m Inferno burn damage boost: +50 % Killed enemies also partially charge the stake.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 76 Cursed Bell 1 - - - Shockwave range: 30 m Duration: 20 s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 77 Cursed Bell 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Shockwave range: 35 m Duration: 25 s Recharge speed reduction: 1 s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 78 Cursed Bell 3 Enemies hexed: 100 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Shockwave range: 40 m Duration: 30 s Recharge speed reduction: 2 s The final toll also stuns Major enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 79 Cornucopia 1 - - - Duration: 12 s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 80 Cornucopia 2 Spell casts: 20 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Duration: 16 s Improved handling, stability and reload.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 81 Cornucopia 3 Spell casts: 40 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Duration: 20 s Improved handling, stability and reload. Duration extended per kill: +1 s
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 82 Ice Sphere 1 - - - Sphere HP: 300 HP
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 83 Ice Sphere 2 Enemies hexed: 50 - 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Sphere HP: 400 HP Double range for all weapons when inside the sphere.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 84 Ice Sphere 3 Enemies hexed: 100 - 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Sphere HP: 500 HP Double range for all weapons when inside the sphere. Double reload speed for all weapons when inside the sphere.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 85 Hailstorm 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Every third consecutive Critical Hit recharges the magazine with two extra bullets.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 86 Hailstorm 2 Enemies killed: 1st Mysterium actions: 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Consecutive Critical Hits decrease zoom and flinch and increase handling and bullet bending. Body shot, a miss or reloading resets the buff.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 87 Hailstorm 3 Enemies killed: 2nd Mysterium actions: 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Every third consecutive Critical Hit makes the target explode with a Freezing shockwave.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 88 Hangfire 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Bullets lodge into enemies or the environment and explode on reload.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 89 Hangfire 2 Enemies killed: 100 1st Mysterium actions: 50 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 The more enemies with lodged bullets, the bigger the damage of each bullet explosion.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 90 Hangfire 3 Enemies killed: 100 2nd Mysterium actions: 75 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Bullet explosions Burn enemies. Bullets lodged in the environment have significantly increased explosion range.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 91 Hunger 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Reloading grants one Charged Bullet for each Critical Hit before the reload. Charged Bullets deal increased damage.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 92 Hunger 2 Enemies killed: 100 1st Mysterium actions: 50 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 The more Critical Hits before reload, the more powerful each Charged Bullet after.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 93 Hunger 3 Enemies killed: 190 2nd Mysterium actions: 75 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 The first body shot after reload counts as Critical Hit. Reloading grants Freeze for the first bullet if every shot was a critical hit.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 94 Midas 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Continuous fire heats up the weapon. Bullets deal more damage when Heated and less when Overheated.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 95 Midas 2 Enemies killed: 100 1st Mysterium actions: 75 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Overheated bullets apply Burn to enemies.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 96 Midas 3 Enemies killed: 190 2nd Mysterium actions: 50 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Very fast reload when the gun is Overheated.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 97 Ricochet 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Up to three enemies can be tagged while aiming down sights. Shooting one ricochets the bullet to the others. The link breaks on reload.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 98 Ricochet 2 Enemies killed: 75 1st Mysterium actions: 50 2nd Mysterium Incantation: 1 Fast reload after tagging three enemies. Ricocheted bullets have 100% stun potential of the main shot.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 99 Ricochet 3 Enemies killed: 100 2nd Mysterium actions: 50 3rd Mysterium Incantation: 1 A powerful Lightning each time an enemy is hit with ten ricocheted bullets.
Mysteria Infobox (edit) 100 All-Seeing Eye 1 Enemies killed: 25 - - Increased damage against enemies with more than 75% HP.
