View table: MiscItem

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Type - Text
  3. Description - Text
  4. Lore - Text
  5. Stash - Integer
  6. Purchasable - Boolean
  7. Price - Text
  8. Worth - Text

This table has 16 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Type Description Lore Stash Purchasable Price Worth
Angelica (edit) Angelica Resource A potent medicinal plant. Used in the production of [[healing elixirs]] in the [[Apothecary]]. Some claim it was the Archangel Gabriel, others swear by Raphael, but it was most likely Michael who visited the botanist monk and revealed the herb to him. 20 Yes 2500 wf -
Broken Mirror (edit) Broken Mirror Consumable Provokes a [[Calamity]] early. A vile item that twists the reflection to be that of a corpse. Lowers confidence while strengthening the resolve of enemies. 100 Yes 4 g + 5000 wf -
Demonic Ammo Pack (edit) Demonic Ammo Pack Consumable Refills ammo in the [[Demonic Weapons]]. A bag of proto-ammo in quantities carefully measured not to affect the owner's sanity. 100 Yes 8 g + 8000 wf -
Drop Of Liquid Witchfire (edit) Drop Of Liquid Witchfire Consumable An instant Focus due to a powerful boost of Stamina. Seeing how addicted and careless it made the preyers, the Workshop stopped conjuring it decades ago. 100 Yes 2 g + 2800 wf -
Euphoria Of The Dying (edit) Euphoria Of The Dying Consumable Fully recharges all [[spells]]. Witchfire dust injected then immediately extracted from a Flagellant during the blissful moment right before death. 100 Yes 3 g + 3100 wf -
Foul Stimulant (edit) Foul Stimulant Consumable Bonus witchfire for a limited time at a cost of weakened Stamina. Crucial to the creation of preyers, as it triggers clinical death in mortals. Slows down the heart, improving metanoia. 100 Yes 6 g -
Four-leaf Clover (edit) Four-leaf Clover Consumable Lowers the [[Calamity]] threat by one level. A delicate plant said to be kissed by a witch of natural beauty. Boosts confidence while weakening the will of adversaries. 100 Yes 3 g + 5000 wf -
Healing Elixir (edit) Healing Elixir Consumable Heals any wounds and ailments. An elixir made of witchfire-infused Angelica herb. Hidden in a capsule that preyers can easily crush. 30 No - -
Herbalist's Brew (edit) Herbalist's Brew Consumable Marks [[Angelica]] and [[Mushrooms]]on the mini-map. A hallucinogen used by the Vestals to seduce their targets. Witchfire in the blood neutralizes the potion but opens the senses to its ingredients. 100 Yes 7 g + 8000 wf -
King's Bell (edit) King's Bell Consumable Three bells sounding in unison. Lowers the Bridge on [[Irongate Castle]] Used by heralds of the king of Irongate to announce his return. A warning for all carriages and carts to promptly give way or face the king's wrath. 10 Yes 4 g + 4000 wf -
Philosopher's Stone (edit) Philosopher's Stone Consumable Instantly converts all carried treasures to Gold. A forgotten byproduct of the Workshop's search for the elixir of life. Filled with witchfire-enhanced red sulfur. 100 Yes 15 g + 15000 wf -
Placebo Pill (edit) Placebo Pill Consumable Fakes the Ascension, tricking any witch into reorganizing her defenses. A worthless tablet made useful only by conditioning new preyers to react to its peculiar taste. 100 Yes 4000 wf -
Portal Flame (edit) Portal Flame Consumable Re-activates the entry portal for a limited time. A frozen flame of the Vestal fire, able to reignite the wonders offered by the crossing of ley lines. 100 Yes 10 g + 6000 wf -
Standard Ammo Pack (edit) Standard Ammo Pack Consumable Refills ammo. A bag of proto-ammo in quantities carefully measured not to affect the owner's flesh. 100 Yes 5 g + 4000 wf -
Strange Coin (edit) Strange Coin Key item A dead guard by the castle's side gate might be interested in such a beauty. Used to enter the Castle on [[Irongate Castle]]. The coin must be old but, like many things in the world of the witch, doesn't seem to have aged. 10 Yes 2 g + 2000 wf -
Witchfire Guard (edit) Witchfire Guard Consumable Saves the half of witchfire on death. The rest is forever lost. A weak hex made more efficient by using the untouched skin of a Flagellant for the protection sigil. 100 Yes 5 g + 5000 wf -