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Page Name Type Lore Power
Balewort (edit) Balewort Fetish A powerful pain killer and sleep inducer, with unfortunate side effects of apoplexia, epilepsy, lethargy, paralysis, loss of memory, and even death. Tamed by the Tavican herbalists to turn witchfire into a gentle healing essence. When below half health, killing enemies can turn their witchfire into a healing essence that regenerates a bit of health when picked up.
Bittersweet Nightshade (edit) Bittersweet Nightshade Fetish Not just the witches' plant, it's widely used to protect both man and beast from a variety of threats and maladies. With certain dark rituals done under the moonlight, its aura can gain the power of, curiously enough, the sun. When low on health, any damage taken makes the fetish release a powerful shockwave.
Blood Of A Banshee (edit) Blood Of A Banshee Relic One woman cried for so long and hard that villagers accused her of being a banshee. When she was burned at the stake, she confessed that her cries were caused by seeing a vision of her own death. Bloods spilled by a banshee burned on the stake. Overkill causes the victim to explode, igniting nearby enemies.
Book Of Serpents (edit) Book Of Serpents Relic A gift from one witch to another. Too much mead during the sabbath made the giftee forget that the book is merely a disguise. After returning home, she started testing the spells and curses herself with Decay. All that was found was the grimoire and a pool of rotten meat. A powerful amulet disguised as a grimoire. Anyone who hurts its owner is cursed with Decay.
Crown Of Fire (edit) Crown Of Fire Ring Made of metal from a falling star. Warm to the touch, sometimes giving the impression of having a pulse. No Workshop researcher would ever acknowledge it, though. Those suspected of being corrupted by the witch magic they work with rarely live to see the next day. Dash applies the Fire elemental to a weapon for a short time.
Eye Of The Madwoman (edit) Eye Of The Madwoman Relic A madwoman once believed to be a witch. A common occurence. The town of Vis laughed but many strange deaths they decidid to burn the woman just in case. The rain fell and silenced the flame, and a powerful lightning killed all spectators An eye inked with the infant blood. The relic mercifully strikes any near death enemy with heavenly lightning.
Henbane (edit) Henbane Fetish Bizarre thoughts, vidid hallucinations, and a sensation of flight. These are the effects of henbane, witches' favourite "crazy plant". Sadly, Vatican herbalists are too afraid of the henbane's power, and limit their interest to the healing properties of small doses Inhaling Healing Elixir fully restores health, and gives additional bonuses until any health is lost.
Mandrake (edit) Mandrake Fetish A potent humanoid-shaped root that grows under the gallows where a hanged man's blood, urine or semen stained the earth. Prevents fatal damage once per expedition. Activated, restores some health, fully recharges spells, and grants a few seconds of immunity to any incoming damage.
Monkshood (edit) Monkshood Fetish A highly toxic and posionous herb, the touch of which is often fatal. Through the wickedness of witchcraft, forced to emanate a protective aura. Abosring a Manifestation crystal add a magical shield that neutralizes any damage once and then dissipates
Painted Tooth (edit) Painted Tooth Relic A witch burst into flames in front of monastery gate. Scared of her ashes, the monks avoided them for nearly a century. One day, a preyer came and examined the remains. The tooth was the only thing he found. The next day, the ashes disappeared. A tooth found among witch's ashes. Critical shots on full health enemies ignite them.
Ring Of Excreta (edit) Ring Of Excreta Ring A ring of unassuming form but a powerful smell. Some say it reminds them of cowpat and manure, while others recall the stench of urine and rotten meat. Preyers who lived trhough the plague say it simply smell of death. Dash leaves behind a delayed bomb taht damages and knocks back enemies.
Ring Of Obedience (edit) Ring Of Obedience Ring An item on which Workshop researchers worked for many years, and yet it is merely a pale echo of what most witches achieve by lifting a finger. A preyer learned the ring's limits once when fighting an old hag. She stood unflinching as he was violently undone into a mist of blood and witchfire. Dashing while looking at the last wounded enemy pushes them in the direction of the Dash.
Ring Of Wings (edit) Ring Of Wings Ring Witches glide through the night, carried by sinister, ancient spirits. Preyers who dared to embrace such flight spoke ob being plagued by dark thoughts and strange whispers. This persuaded the Workshop to cautiously limit the ring's power. Allows to Dash mid-air
Shadowmist Ring (edit) Shadowmist Ring Ring Among the wonders forged by the Workshop, this ring stands apart. Rumors hint that conjuring the mist was difficult, but allowing it to pass through the dead unaffected was another story. It is whispered that numerous ancient burial grounds now find themselves somewhat lighter of bones. Dashing turns the ring bearer into a shadow mist that can pass through enemies.