Fallen Preyers

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With the update 0.3 "The Wailing Tower" the game introduced a new mechanic - the "Fallen Preyers".
On each of the current maps you can find three Shards.

The Preyers can be activated in the Hermitorium and can be upgraded here with the help of Preyer Echoes.

How to unlock

You will need to find the three Shards for each fallen Preyer.
Then you need Preyer Echoes and will have to activate the Flame in the Hermitorium.

On Island of the Damned in the Wailing Tower the Shards for the Mask of Cain.
On Scarlet Coast the Shards for the Mask of Elias.
On Irongate Castlethe Shards for the Mask of Goliath.

Upon Opening the Map, once per Expedition you can call in each of the Preyers to help you on your journey.
Additionally, each Preyer grants passive Bonuses.

You can have up to three preyers activated in the Hermitorium.


