Divine Essence

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What is it

Divine Essence is a new lootable crystal in the Tower on the "Island of the Damned" Map. It was introduced in Patch 0.3 "The Wailing Tower". When the Player leaves the Tower, all Divine Essence is lost.

What is it good for

With "The Wailing Tower" Upgrade the Arcana System 2.0 was introduced, where the Player is able to collect Prophecies. With patch 0.3 a total of 18 Prophecies can be found and 5 of them need to be unlocked for Preyer Echoes after killing the Boss.

Required Essence

  • 50 - Prophecy of Heaviness
  • 70 - Prophecy of the Bull
  • 85 - Prophecy of the Serpent
  • 95 - Prophecy of Dead Eyes
  • 110 - Prophecy of Destruction